Monday, May 2, 2011

EGt x dulu :(

egt x dulu...
kte same2 part 1?
kite xknl pon satu sama laen...
kite malu2...smue mase tu jambu2 batu...skema2 termasuk aku...
buat assignment pon last minit...
group member suke ati je nk sape2 xpilih2...

egt x dulu part 2?
simulation susah tue...
takut plak dgn madam hayati...
xsiap keje sekolah kena marah...
garang macam baik cantik..

egt x mis RAIHAN a.k.a mis telo (sbb muke die bulat macam telo)
tkt sgt kite dgn die..
egt lg ewan kena denda bace smue jawapan sbb xsiap keje...kakakakaka
asal die masuk kelas je...kite diam macam nmpak hantu...
itulah penangan mis telo...

egt x bile kite g koko?
past 1 sampai part 3...
cik sahak xasing lagi...
kalo die berucap...
sejam setagah xlari...
kadang2 koko ambik attendance je...
tp kalo terlambat takut smpai berlari2...

egt x hari jadi paan...sem 4 kot ke sem 5...
kite wat tepi tasik...
kite beli kek...
beli spray snow...
last2 aku tersembur diri sendiri ...
kelakar dowh!!!!

egt x kite buke pose kt kg sg baru?
smue kelaparan...
makan2 dan makan...
sebelum tue kite  men buaian,
jongkang jongket,,,,best sgt...

egt x dulu..kite ade crisis...
masing2 ade perangai pelik...
tp sekarang kite sayang satu sama laen...
wlaupun xselesa dgn perangai masg2 ...
tp kite dh macam family....

egt x dulu?
time maxis wt mini opera leyh online fbook..
tq ajit dgn amir tlg settingkan..
kite asyik online je...dlm kelas n kt mane2 la...
padahal leyh cakap je...
tp nk jgk men cakap kt fbook...
tp sedih..
maxis dh xbg free..
so kite xdapat la men cm tu lg...
rindu opera mini...

egt x sem nie?
bbq kt pd umah lan...
seronok wooo...
makan banyak...
men galah panjang...comfirm xde sape menang
rindu nk tido tepi pantai...
egt x jugak fpp mall?
walaupon kedai aku xlaku sgt..
tp best kan?
kite part 6 sme2 buat...

n last..egt x?KITE DH tglkan kenangan yg banyak?
egt x? kite dh tglkan umah sewa...dimensi tercinte,kedai2 makan,kedai2 runcit,
rindu nk tikam cincin depan kedai muru..
egt x?last paper patut nye sorg2 tgglkan kite...
egt jgn lupe uitm lendu+tmn dimensi+Blok2 yg pnh kite tgl..

egt x bbq dpn umah kamil..
tue last kite gather2 same2...
korg kena egt...
dr dulu smpai sekarang
aku dh syg korg egt tau.......

AKu akan egt waktu kite same2 dulu....

2008222044 2008-2011 dbs1b-dbs6b

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

today is ur day my lovely+bestfwend

heppi belated birthday for 20th celebration 
hopefully all ur wishes will come true  
ure my best friend foreva..
n i waiting to celebrate ur birthday soon...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

glitter graphics

 tOday was the 3rd days...ohh really2 boring...,mcm mane la nk kerje smpai 1 january..customer complaint aku lambat open the new workers and i need time to be efficiently,,,
xpe la sbr je la..customer is always right..

erm kejap je abg mat kat kedai td..xtgur pon aku..asal ek...alahai...aku nk sgt dgr die ckp dgn aku
aku msg td xde lak balas..xplak die kol lik..mybe die dh tido
kalo la die leyh bace pe aku rase
im really admire u la abg mat

tp atlease doa aku makbul
hr2 dpt tgk die..jdla dr xdpt lgsung
akusedar aku bertepuk sebelah tgn,mgkin die dh de awek kot...
mth la bile la die nk bercakap dgn aku..kalo nk tgu aku cakap memNg xla..
i miss the way u talking to me :: looking at me :: ure nice guy that i really wanted to
is ok i have lots of time to know u better
ure my dream man mr. super duper
i hope u will know someday
i wanted to be a part of u..

SpEcIaL 4 aBg MaT:
I need you like a flower needs the rain :: I need you for you can wash away my pain. 
I need you more each day :: I need you for you are so wonderful, in every single way. 
I want you to caress my lips the way you always do ::  I want you to look into my eyes and see my love for you. 
I want you to hold me close to your heart :: I want you to know that I love you, need you, miss you, and want you And I have for every single moment, right from the start. 

Monday, December 6, 2010

1st day Kejeglitter graphics
fIrst day keje best+excited+nervous..but then ok je xpenat pon..keje senang..keje aku cume jage cc as easy as AbC..WOW...but actually bosan le plak..even leyh on9 kt umah den pon dpt tuk lari dr similar routines every day..beh baek aku keje..kalo duk umah ape g mkn tido on9 tgk tb wt keje umah ..RM20 sehari i think worth it...memang berbaloi baloi...dpt cuci mate..boss i good looking plak hahaha..::lifeisfun:: 

i ade 3 boss..mamu, abgzul n abg mat...hoh  i think i gonna like abg mat la hehehee...just nice guy..n sopan je cakap..ckp lembut...membuat i really cair...i hope 26 days left, i will always see him hahaha...He is the miror of my mr right,,,wah wah pasan!!
I Like the way he talking to me the way he looking at me
fall my heart hehehe

b4  forgot tq kepada kak rina pekerje lame kt CC tue..kelakar peramah byk bg tunjuk aja+my sis lak tq sudi teman..huhuhuhu

ThE EnD 0F tHe StoRy

Saturday, December 4, 2010

myspace comments
i wanna Be the 1st one to make the wishes

On your birthday I wish you much pleasure and joy

I hope all of your wishes come true.
May each hour and minute be filled with delight,
And your birthday be perfect for you!
Happy birthday for the sweet 20years girl!!!